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An Important Message - BOE Debate Oct 2020

Watch the Mountain Lakes Board of Education Debate Oct 7, 2020 here.


Dear Laker Pride Candidates,


The League regrets your decision to refuse to debate and we want you to understand our position. We are posting this statement so all who have seen what you are saying, understand that this is not and has never been the way the League operates. The statement is below. 


The League never opposes or endorses candidates. It is unfortunate that this situation is preventing the voters from getting what they deserve from all their candidates. 


The League has arranged the debate with 4 of the candidates running for the BOE seats. Should you change your mind and decide to debate, please let us know.


 Kind regards,

Mary Joelsson, ML League of Women Voters 



Rebuttal to Laker Pride Candidates - Statement from the League of Women Voters


The Laker Pride candidates refused to participate in a LWV debate on October 7th citing partisanship by the League. The Mountain Lakes League has never changed its “ways” and follows the established by-laws given to us by LWVNJ.  As with the state League, we do not endorse or oppose any candidates for elected offices but we continue to encourage our membership to engage. An email sent by a board member caused the accusation of partisanship.  However, all of our members, including board members, with the exception of the president and voter services chair are free to express their personal opinions as long as they do not do so in the name of the League or when referring to the League.  In stating her personal opinion of the Board of Education Laker Pride candidates and the facts she had gathered by attending BOE meetings, our member exercised her right to free speech. The LWV encourages an active and educated electorate and we do not submit to any efforts to silence our members.

League of Women Voters Mountain Lakes

P.O. Box 64

Mountain Lakes, NJ 07046



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